How we work
with you.

BrightPay works with Australian Businesses across metro, regional & remote areas. 

Farmer and dog rounding up sheep

How we
manage payroll compliance

With BrightPay as your payroll partner, you can manage all types of compliance across the payroll journey. Whether you elect for full payroll servicing, emergency payroll support, routine compliance appraisals, or have your payroll done when you want to go on holiday, Brightpay can help.  

We deliver accurate and timely processing, Single Touch Payroll lodgement, record keeping, compliance reporting, and submit superannuation on your behalf.

Payroll Setup

To ensure compliance, payroll setup requires accuracy, which BrightPay supports, including onboarding support of staff and your internal processes.

Payroll Processing

This includes calculating pays by Awards and/or employment agreements, providing a summary payroll report, providing a payment file for uploading to your bank, lodging the Single Touch Payroll event, and even exporting a journal directly to your accounting system to keep your ledgers up to date. Accurate and consistent processing will enhance legal compliance

Record Keeping

Accurate and organised employee pay, taxes, and superannuation records must be maintained. We provide a quarterly detailed gap analysis of record-keeping issues and ensure superannuation stapling requirements.

Compliance Reporting

BrightPay supports preparing payroll data for the ATO on time, including Single Touch Payroll (STP) Requirements.

Superannuation Compliance

Employers must pay the required amount of superannuation to their employees nominated super funds on time. We support superannuation compliance through accurate calculations, on-time payment notices, and compliance with employee Superannuation legislation.

PAYG Compliance

BrightPay ensures tax laws and regulations are met with tax from employee wages, issuing accurate payment summaries.

Employment Law

Employers must comply with employment laws and regulations, including minimum wage, leave entitlements, and employment agreements. Compliance with these laws ensures that employees are treated fairly and prevents legal issues.